It’s said that perfection is the enemy of excellence. Don’t let unrealistic expectations prevent you from dating men that don’t tick all your boxes.
Compromise is not a bad thing. I make compromises every day in my marriage but I don’t feel like I’m losing anything. It’s the natural give and take of relationships.
I have a dear friend who’s turning 60 in July. He’s had zero long term relationships. He literally has a list of questions and qualities that are deal breakers. He’s overweight and average looking but has created an idealized man that frankly doesn’t exist. He sits at home alone watching tv and complains that he can’t find a mate. It drives me bonkers.
I have another friend who is very happily married to a guy that is not his type. How’d that happen? They chatted online for hours and days and weeks. My twink chasing buddy who was never happy fell in love with a man he wouldn’t have given a second look had they met in a bar. My friend had to untick his boxes to accept this man but by the time they met he had already fallen in love.
My point, be open and don’t miss out on a guy because he isn’t mr perfect. Counseling may be beneficial in helping you sort things out. Good luck.
Love the metaphore
This is something i need to try and focus on. Become more realistic. I have soluch high values and pressure onmyself that is no benefit to anyone.