Requests - Kate Winn | Social Media Girls

Requests Kate Winn

LostBets 375: Strip PodStab with Heather, Candle, and Lela

Candle. Blonde, beautiful, perky, funny, sexy, full of puns, and veteran of nearly 20 games. She's back, and she's here to face off against two brand-new challengers. There's Lela, brunette girl-next-door type, smart, highly competitive, and ready to play. And then there's Heather, who (not to take anything away from the other two) is really something special. Sweet and angelic, with a stunning body and big breasts, it's hard not to fall in love with her. She's much too nice to risk doing anything sexual, but after seeing her body, you won't be disappointed.

The game is PodStab (previously called Puck Off here), which makes the players have to run around to hit the pucks with a vaguely-phallic device. They have to keep playing when naked, making various bits fly around when they run. If they lose again when naked, they lose the game and have to perform the forfeit.

Which, in defence to Heather's timid nature (she didn't even want to be touched in intimate areas by anyone) was fairly softcore, yet very explicit and embarrassing. Several years ago, my old tattletale production assistant Prudella DePrude made me a series of cards featuring stick figures in various revealing yoga poses. The loser of the game has to draw five of these cards and hold the poses for twenty seconds. And trust me, when she's done, she has few secrets left.

LostBets 379: Strip Body Shots with Candle and Lela ft. Heather

Lela's back for her second game, facing off one-on-one against Candle. The forfeit is a tough one: the winner gets to bang the loser silly with a strap-on, but only after shoving a butt plug up the loser's asshole, which she has to hold onto while she's getting fucked. Heather was there, but she would never take part in such a dirty forfeit, so I found a new role for her: human target.

After everyone's been properly introduced, the other girls strip Heather naked. Then they draw target areas on her body: twenty points for the tummy, thirty for the boobies, forty for the hoo-hah, and ten for everywhere else. Then they take turns shooting foam darts at her. The darts are dipped in ink, so they leave little spots on her, partly so we can tell where they hit but mostly because it looks cool. First girl to score fifty points wins the round and makes the other girl strip, unless of course the other girl doesn't have anything left to take off, in which case her orifices are going to be penetrated.
