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If I have to give you a piece of myself
then let it be this. A smile to hold and cover
the dark days. A hug to surrender yourself into.
To shoulder your pains and cries of disbelief
as loneliness swamps in and tries to take you down.

Could I share a moment in your sunlight, just to feel
again, for one moment, the blessings of love
you have given so many friends and family
you cherish and treasure.

I shall trod down this path that leads
to who knows where. Knowing I still have
this peace of your love tucked deep inside to bring out
whenever I feel the need. Whenever, I feel those blues
sneaking up to try and take what lil of you I still have left ...

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hugo_samhugo_samover 18 years ago

Touching in subject. Well presented. Thank you


LeBrozLeBrozover 18 years ago

Very touching piece

Of connections made that remain eternal

Though broken;

Heartbreak's pain will fade ~ we let it;

Love's joys we nurture and cherish

And leaves us all as hopeless romantics...

Many FeathersMany Feathersover 18 years ago
Beautiful honey...

We leave pieces of ourselves with every life we touch. And I can assure you, you've touched mine.

My Erotic TrailMy Erotic Trailover 18 years ago

this poem was mention on the thread 'New Poem Reviews'

thanks for the literary journey (~_~)

My Erotic TrailMy Erotic Trailover 18 years ago

I really liked these words...

If I have to give you a piece of myself

then let it be this. A smile to hold and cover

the dark days. A hug to surrender yourself into.

To shoulder your pains and cries of disbelief

as loneliness swamps in and tries to take you down.

the gift of one's self is the greatest gift of all, next to winning the lottery I suppose <grin, a very nice write (~_*)in my opinion!

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