it also says that God will choose 4400 to ascend into heaven. maybe your version of the bible is one of the hundreds of versions different from the one I'm looking at
The Fisherman's Bible doesn't count.
it also says that God will choose 4400 to ascend into heaven. maybe your version of the bible is one of the hundreds of versions different from the one I'm looking at
I don't claim nor wish to be a theologist. But I guarantee you that he has zero more evidence of God's existence than you or anyone else has. He just has better knowledge of that book written by MEN not by God's finger like Glen Beck claims lol
bring him over, and ask him to prove to me that God exists. if he proves it, I will admit that he exists.
sounds like he should be here. like the rest of you, he could just makeup a new persona that he can say whatever he wishes and no one will be the wiser, except God of course.
You said you loved Frankfurt and could live there. You do know the political climate of Germany right???
I guess you don't wanna hear my personal experience with laura ingraham
she isn't an idiot at all. she is just a cunt!
a friend of mine was dating a guy in Encino, who's very good friend was Joe Robert. Joe was a very wealthy real estate investor who lived in DC. He was flying to LA and had Laura Ingraham with him on his plane. I was house sitting for my friend at the time and he had offered Laura to stay at his house, where I was staying also for the week. She showed up and I had put brand new Ralph Lauren purple label sheets on the bed and put fresh flowers in the room. she showed up and would barely speak to me and I assure you she had zero idea who I was or what I did for a living. she just knew I was watching his dogs while he was away. I was 22 at the time and had zero idea who she was or what she did for a living or her political points of view. when she got to the house she told me her bags were in the car which I said ok, and left them there. after she freshened up she asked where I put her bags and I told her I didn't put them anywhere. She rolled her eyes and got her own bags and went into the room and I didn't see her again.
In the morning when I got up and walked the dogs I returned and she was gone. the sheets that were nearly $900 were stuffed in the kitchen trash can with the flowers on top of them smashed and broken. I thought maybe she got her period or spilled something but she hadn't. She was just a fucking cunt to her core and put them in the kitchen to let me know what she thought of it all. My friend asked her why she did it and she said, "I didn't like her attitude when I told her to get my bags out of the car"
2 years ago I was on a flight from New York to London and she was sitting directly across the isle from me. I started laughing and told my friend a brief layout of what had happened and she was like "you have to bring it up" so I did. I asked if she remembered me and she said no and turned away. I mentioned Joe Robert who had just passed away of brain cancer and she turned to me more interested. Joe was a billionaire who did a lot of amazing things for children's charities. he put on "Fight Night" every year that raised millions of dollars. If you want to read about a man who paid it forward, read Joe's obituary in the Washington Post When I told her I was the one that night with the flowers and bed sheets she gave a smile and said, "I heard you thought I did that. I would never do such a thing! I'm a Christian woman and I'm so sorry that you thought I did that! You must think I'm so rude!" she said all this even after she told my friend why she did it. I told her I had heard her reason and she said it wasn't true and had no idea why my friend would lie, which he wouldn't. She requested her seat be moved but there were no more seats in 1rst class so she had to sit right there next to me for 6 more hours it was beautiful!![]()
she looks very manly. i thought she was a dyke without question.